Awards & Recognition
Darwen Healthcare's Continual Development
Darwen Healthcare is committed to ensuring that all their staff have access to training and development opportunities and many of them have taken up the initiative to access external course to develop which in turn has resulted in a number of qualifications and national recognition.
Dr Ninan at Darwen Healthcare Some really lovely news ! The Pumping Marvellous Foundation, which is the UK’s only patient led Heart Failure Charity have awarded Dr Mammen Ninan, GP at Darwen Health Centre their National “You’re Simply Marvellous” Award for the exceptional quality of care and treatment he and team offer heart failure patients. Dr Ninan and partners were nominated by a local Heart Failure patient - Gavin Redhead and was one of only 5 individual healthcare professionals chosen nationally. Great work and well done!!

2018 to 2019

GP Practice Awards 2019
The Darwen GP Nursing Team was shortlisted from GP Practice Nursing Teams throughout England and at the London Awards Ceremony on 29 November 2019 were selected as the Winner of this prestigious award for their innovative and quality work, especially involving those patients with Frailty, Dementia, pre-diabetic, Stroke/TIA, Cervical, Bowel and Breast Screening and COPD. We are so proud of their dedication, knowledge, skills and the national recognition achieved.
Not to be outshone by the Nursing Team, all of the Darwen Healthcare Practice Team were recognised for their commitment to our patients and especially for the pioneering work being done in developing a new clinical model within the practice utilising Advanced Clinical Nurse Practitioners, Physician Associates, Paramedics and Clinical Pharmacists to support our GP’s. Highlighted was the amazing work we are doing with our colleagues from the DWP and the Darwen Primary Care Network in getting those with long-term conditions, especially mental health, back in to the community through volunteering or in a number of cases finding paid employment.
2015 to 2017
From 2015-2017 the practice and its staff received multiple qualifications and national awards of recognition please see below

Training on Advanced Clinical Practice
Debbie and Julia have been successful in achieving the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Advanced Level Practice credential and their role will now be Advanced Clinical Nurse Practitioners.
This means that they have gone through a process which assesses the background and legitimacy to practice at an advanced level through assessing their qualifications, experience and competence.
The RCN have given formal recognition of their level of expertise and skill in clinical practice, leadership, education and research in a way that is recognisable to colleagues, employers, patients and the public and they are included on a publicly available database of Accredited Nurses.

Practice Manager of The Year Award
Ann Neville, Practice Manager wins two awards in one year (2017).
We are delighted that our own practice manager was successful in being named the winner of two national awards :
Management in Practice (MiP) August 2017 and Practice Manager of the Year at the GP Awards in November 2017.
Please see link below for full details.