Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on long-term medication can order repeat prescriptions in a number of ways:
- Online - follow the link . First-time users will need to complete a simple registration.
- By hand - drop your computer printed repeat form into reception with the required items clearly marked.
- By post - send it to us however the practice uses the electronic prescription service and therefore your prescription will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy.
- By email:
- By telephone : Predominantly for over 65s, housebound or vulnerable patients during the following times 10:00 to 12:00 and 2:00-4:00
At all other times please allow the Prescribing Clerks the time needed to safely and efficiently work through the large volume of medication requests and queries from patients, hospitals and other Health Care Provider
- Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept requests via fax.
Please allow 2 full working days for your prescription to be processed.
ie; prescriptions left on a Monday will not be ready for collection at the surgery until Wednesday after 4:00 pm.
Please help us by giving us enough time to deal with your prescription. If we do not get the required notice for your repeat prescription, we may not be able to issue it in time before your medication runs out

Electronic Repeat Dispensing
If you are on regular medications that do not change often the GP will place these on repeat dispensing.
Electronic repeat dispensing is a process that allows a patient to obtain repeated supplies of their medication or appliances without the need for the prescriber to hand sign authorised repeat prescriptions each time. This allows the GP to authorise and issue a batch of repeat prescriptions until the patient needs to be reviewed. The prescriptions are then available for dispensing at the specified interval by the patient’s nominated pharmacy for 6 months at a time. Please ask Prescription Team for further details.
Requests for Urgent Prescriptions & Hospital Prescriptions
All urgent requests for medication will need to be requested by completing a "Requesting an Urgent Prescription" form available at the surgery.
Please ensure this form is fully completed.
Once completed you will need to give the form to a member of the reception team and will then be requested from the GP. Please note that the GP will not be able to complete prior to the end of the afternoon surgery. Requests approved by the GP should be ready by 5:45pm and will be sent electronically to your nominated pharmacy.
We will honour two urgent prescription requests; additional urgent medication requests will be issued in line with practice policy of allowing two clear working days.
We are unable to process hospital medication changes until the official letter from the hospital has been received, clearly identifying the changes required. This can take up to 14 days.
If the changes or introduction of medication is deemed urgent by the hospital, the hospital must provide the medication through their own pharmacy.
The hospital is required to supply patients with medication following discharge from inpatient or day case care. Medication must be supplied by the hospital for a minimum of seven days.
Online Ordering
If you would like to register for PATIENT ACCESS so you can view some parts of your medical record, book routine appointments or order repeat prescriptions all online - please download a registration form (opposite) to complete or alternatively ask at our reception for a pack.
If you have registered with Patient Access then click on the link at the top of this page to order.
Electronic Prescribing Service
The Electronic Prescription Service enables our prescribers - such as GPs and practice nurses - to send prescriptions electronically to a pharmacy of your choice. This makes the prescribing and dispensing process more efficient and convenient for you.
- If you collect repeat prescriptions you will not have to visit our practice just to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, your GP will send the prescription electronically to the place you choose, saving you time.
- The prescription is an electronic message so there is no paper prescription to lose.
- You will have more choice about where to get your medicines from because they can be collected from a pharmacy near to where you live, work or shop.
- If the prescription needs to be cancelled the GP can electronically cancel and issue a new prescription without you having to return to the practice – saving you extra trips.
- You may not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as your repeat prescriptions can be made ready before you arrive.
Please contact your preferred pharmacy to sign up to EPS.
For more information please click here
Not Registered for Patient Access?
Prescription Fees
Help with NHS costs
In England, around 90% of prescription items are dispensed free. This includes exemptions from charging for those on low incomes, such as:
- those on specific benefits or through the NHS Low Income Scheme
- those who are age exempt
- those with certain medical conditions
- More information is available at NHS Choices
NHS Charges
These charges apply in England only. In Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales prescriptions are free of charge.
- Prescription (per item): £9.65
- 12-month prepayment certificate (PPC): £111.60
- 3-month PPC: £31.25
If you will have to pay for four or more prescription items in three months or more than 14 items in 12 months, you may find it cheaper to buy a PPC.
- Telephone advice and order line 0845 850 0030
- General Public - Buy or Renew a PPC On-line
There is further information about prescription exemptions and fees on the NHS website.
Changes to Prescribing
Blackburn with Darwen Clinical Commissioning Group have introduced changes to the prescribing of certain routine medicines in Blackburn with Darwen from the 3rd July 2017
For more information on what type of medications please click on the links opposite.