Training Practice
Trainees in Practice
Undergraduate & Postgraduate Training
Darwen Healthcare has a significant commitment to teaching. Dr M Ninan, Dr M Umer and Dr Hussain are GP Trainers. Dr S Hafez and Dr J Davies is a GP Trainer for GP ST2’s (Doctors in their second year of GP Training).
We have been an approved training practice for several years, taking Specialist Training doctors in their final years of training, Foundation Year Doctors and Year 1- 5 Medical Students from Manchester University and UCLAN University. Being a training practice is a mark of quality, and practices have to go through a rigorous selection process before they can accept GP ST3 (GP Registrars).
Medical Students
We often have medical students working in the Practice, sitting in with the doctors or sometimes these students will see you before you see the doctor. We currently take Year 1-5.
All patients are free to refuse to see the medical student if they wish. For those who are happy to see the medical student, we are very grateful for your help.
Foundation Year 2 Doctors
FY2 (Foundation Year 2) doctors are young doctors who have spent a year or more working in hospitals.
Unlike GP Registrars, they may not have yet decided what type of medical career they wish to follow.
Our current FY2 is Dr. Eleanor Chin Quee and commenced a 4 month placement on 3 April 23.
GP ST3's
GP ST3’s are experienced doctors who have decided on a career in General Practice. Before they come to the practice they have done many years work as hospital doctors and are often really up to date with the latest advances in treatment. Our current trainees are Dr M Alo (F), Dr K Zeidan (M) and Dr J Perera (F).
Student Nurse Placements
STUDENT NURSES (Student nurses Year 1- Year 3) are now allocated placements in General Practice for approximately 8-10 weeks.
Our next Student Nurse will be a Year 2 and will be with us during June and July.
Acknowledgement of Our Achievements
Darwen Healthcare has received congratulations from the Department of Undergraduate Education in Manchester for providing excellent teaching to the Year 5 Medical Student during each academic year from 2015. We would like to thank all our patients who gave consent for a Medical Student to be present during consultations.

GP Trainers – Dr N Ninan, Dr M Umer and Dr Q Hussain
GP ST2 Trainer – Dr S Hafez & Dr J Davies
Nurse Supervisors and Assessors – Julia Mullaney, Katrina Margerison